Is Running Bad For You?

Monica had some concern and a very relevant question regarding a recent magazine article suggesting that running could be bad. She asked and I gave my 2 cents on the topic. Thanks for asking Monica and Yes, we’re waiting for book #2!

GOOD Fats and BAD Fats: Examples and Differences (so ya know…)

With all the not so new but recently publicized information about ketogenic diets and low carb efforts being littered about I’m concerned about the average Joe/Jane meaning well but not doing well.  These keto/low carb efforts require high FAT intake in lieu of CARB intake.  So, I thought it best to write up a quick article explaining the differences between GOOD FAT and BAD FAT.

Quick Reminder: FAT ingestion causes low (likely NO) effect on blood sugar/insulin whereas CARBS have a definite effect on both depending on the type of CARB (sugar, starch, fruit, goo packets to run 1/2 a mile…).  When insulin is present, FAT is stored/not burned for energy/accumulated…

Here we go: GOOD FATs are fats that have a preferable Omega 6 : Omega 3 ratio.  The avg. American consumes plenty of Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3 which has been said to create potential for increased inflammation (disease potential).  So, GOOD FATS have good ratios.    GOOD FATS: cold water fish (salmon, sardines, herring, crab, shrimp, scallops), animal fat from grass fed animals AND MONO-unsaturated fats from olives, avacados, macadamia nuts and lastly MCTS (medium chain triglycerides).  MCTs are inexpensive, metabolized differently than other fats, burn easier as energy and therefore can aid in achieving Ketosis.  Think Coconut Oil as the best source of MCT.  Note on MCTs: they can do the funky on your stomach so until you find the right morning dosage don’t get too far from the bathroom.

BAD FATS: IF good fats have a preferable Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio of 10:1 then bad fats look more like this: Safflower/Sesame seeds are 1000:1.  AVOID THESE FATS: Trans Fats/Hydrogenated Fats (at all costs – or just don’t eat).  Where are these TRANS FATS located?  Everywhere!!  Think looong shelf life because that’s what trans fats enable margarin, salad dressing, and anything else sitting in your fridge for a year without going rancid, to do.  Seed oils can be concerning because of their poor O6 to O3 ratios.  Choices to avoid are soybean oil, peanut oil, cottonseeds, sesame seeds, and even the FLAX seed oil is high in Omega 6 fats.

That’s it!  Hope that helps steer you in the right direction next time you’re trying to make good decisions and have a choice (or too many choices in front of you).



The Quick on WHY Carbs make people FAT

The consumption of Carbs (sugar/starches/fiber) causes the pancreas to release insulin.  The presence of insulin promotes FAT storage in FAT cells!

NOTE: The presence of Insulin  ALSO promotes the uptake of amino acids into muscle and synthesis of PROtein in muscle as well.

Therefore, Carbs, PROtein and FAT intake can all be manipulated through nutrition to attain one’s goals be it FAT LOSS or MUSCLE GAIN or both.

Not magic, just knowledge!


Guide to Diastasis Recti (abdominal separations)

The Problem with Carbs…UPDATED!

What’s the problem with Carbs (carbohydrates)?  Nothing!  Nothing….UNLESS, you eat too many or all you eat is carbohydrate.

Consider 2 conditions: Quantity and Quality

Quantity:  If you eat too many calories you will very likely gain weight.  Eating too many calories is a highly relative event.  It’s relative to yourself and no one else.  It’s relative to your genetic disposition (look at your parents) and it’s relative to your level of activity (more likely a lack of activity).  Simply put, people who are overweight and/or are suffering from symptoms of metabolic syndrome may very well be consuming too many calories.  Not all!  But, many!  Therefore, the 1st order of business/effort for someone desiring to get better/healthier/lose weight is to EAT LESS.  This is by no means the end all, be all, fix all as there are many other circumstances that prevent success in the face of calorie cutting.  But it’s a logical start.

Quality:  The glycemic scale measures a carbs impact on blood sugar (and thereby, insulin release).  It’s range is 0-100 with 100 being “high glycemic” and causing the most rapid rise in blood sugar.  Carbs range all up and down this scale e.g., white bread is very high whereas veggies tend to be very low (slow) in causing blood sugar increases.  People who are diabetic or who are pre-diabetic or who are living la vida high-carb should heed this index.  Having steady blood sugar is ideal.  Processing is a necessary and almost unavoidable event in today’s world and carbs have many aliases (maltodextrin, cane sugar, glucose, lactose, fructose, sucrose, sugar, corn syrup….on and on…) so just be aware that long ingredient lists tend to indicate more processing/more sugar potential  – exercise caution.

I say again – EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.  Whereas some folks are carbohydrate sensitive (they readily clear excess glucose) others are the opposite (cells are insulin insensitive causing a buildup of glucose AND insulin as they have no where to go – an issue compounded by continuous feedings) and have high glucose levels which typically results in Type 2 diabetes.

One very well known fact is that with the presence of insulin, the body’s ability to oxidize (use/burn) FAT as a source of energy is inhibited.  Eating CARBs causes an immediate response from the pancreas – a release of insulin.

One might consider this carb = insulin release = fat storage/non-fat oxidation sequence when he/she chooses to indulge in the non-science/sense (to date, to my knowledge, there is NOT a single study proving/supporting this dogma) supported notion that eating 6 (several) meals a day is a viable means of losing weight.  6 opportunities to store/not burn FAT!  Woo hoo!!!

Why Purpose, Not Cash, Is King In The Food Industry – Forbes

Why Purpose, Not Cash, Is King In The Food Industry – Forbes.

Ranger School: Optimal Potential for Success/Graduation

When asked by a young Army Infantry Officer if I could guarantee his success in getting into Ranger School I offered up a “hmmmmmm…” followed by a “yes.”  Barring any physiological or mental impairment, I would absolutely *guarantee a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine success in passing what is statistically and practically speaking (arguably no doubt), the most prevalent barrier to success in Ranger School.  Read closely so I can qualify what I mean, how I do this and why this knowledge is most important for YOU if you truly desire the coveted Ranger Tab. What do I mean by guaranteed success?

Let’s first look at pass/fail stats for Ranger School.

  • 60% of all Ranger School failures occur in the first 4 days (“RAP Week”): RPA, Land Nav, Footmarch, CWSA
  • 75% of those who complete RAP week will eventually pass the Darby Phase and move on to the Mountain Phase.
  • 94% of those who start the Mountain Phase will eventually pass and move on to the Florida Phase.

The greatest barrier to graduating from Ranger School is FAILING the Ranger Physical Fitness Test (RPFT)/Ranger Physical Assessment (RPA).  The RPA (as it is referenced above) is simply the initial physical performance tool used by the army to attrite (send home) Ranger candidates:  49 push-ups, 59 sit-ups, 6 dead-hang strict (no kipping like a fish out of water or any of that CrossFit stuff) palm-in pull-ups, and the venerable but very doable 5 mile run in under 40 minutes.  Everything but the 5 mile run is pass/fail.

If you do not get IN Ranger School, you will not get THROUGH Ranger School.  Passing RPA (yes, this assumes you pass Land Nav, the foot march and Combat Water Survival) gets you into Darby Phase (75% pass rate from Darby!) and potentially (the statistical odds are in your favor if you give the above stats a cursory glance) your Ranger Tab.

With my approach to training, I guarantee you the human performance ability to not just pass the RPA but to decimate it! Additionally, you should physically breeze through the foot march and combat water survival. What about the rest of Ranger School? Well, you’re going to have to Forrest Gump your way through the rest of Ranger School the same way every other graduate has had to do.  At this point though, the odds are in your favor!

What do I require?  I require the same thing that will be required of you in order to successfully complete Ranger School.  Commitment!

If your push-ups are lacking – I can fix you.

If you cannot quite yet do 6 pull-ups – I can fix you.

If you cannot confidently run 5 miles in 40 minutes – I can fix you.

You simply have to be committed to doing what we need to do in order to enhance whatever area of human performance is necessary to achieve success in passing the RPA.

During this process we will increase your resiliency to injury and to all obstacles (real and perceived).

My intent is always to send my clients off to Day 1 with a high degree of confidence knowing they can successfully complete the RPA despite physical and mental depletion.

As far as the specific training approaches/techniques are concerned, every client is different.  Trust me, other than a bona fide physiological impairment (e.g., muscular dystrophy) there is a way to make someone who wants to push up, pull up, sit up and run their way into Darby Phase, more than capable of doing so.

*Unfortunately, nothing in life is absolutely guaranteed but I’d be willing to give a full refund to anyone who committed to the training and subsequently did not perform as advertised in passing  their RPA.

10,000 steps and 2,750 calories a day in activity…

It’s much more likely that you won’t even come close each day if you’re not making a concerted effort.  Consider an activity tracker like the Misfit or Basis B1.

Ahhhhh…more rain…and more rain…

Find a treadmill, SkiErg, Rower or just stay under the covers “b/c when you’re sleeping you’re not eating and when you’re not eating, you’re not getting fat.”  -Steven Bubel.

Training For Hypertrophy