About GREG and What Clients Have to Say…

Greg Burch

Personal Fitness Training

Greg’s effort as a health and human performance specialist focuses on getting his clients healthy, getting his clients fit and in some cases, getting his clients hyper-fit for specific athletic events. Greg’s methods span the continuum of cutting edge scientific research, the ever-evolving field of human performance enhancement theory and the undeniable impact of nutritional intervention in order to develop client specific exercise programming/healthy actions. Greg combines 20+ years of empirical/anecdotal experience and advanced academic training with a wealth of science-based knowledge to create programs with one goal in mind – achieving results.

Greg is a graduate of  The University of Texas San Antonio with a Master’s Degree in health and kinesiology.  He also holds a personal training certificate from National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-CPT), a training diploma from the National Personal Trainer Institute (NPTI) and is CrossFit L1 certified.  He has served in both the Navy and as an Infantry Officer in the Army to include a tour in Iraq.

*Change Body Composition – lose FAT, increase MUSCLE (just losing weight isn’t nec. a healthy event).
*Learn the diff. between functional/effective exercises and the nonsense. Learn HOW to exercise and understand the WHY – Get educated so you don’t always need a trainer
*Increase STAMINA
*Learn HOW to work around and amongst old/pre-existing INJURIES.

“Greg was instrumental in helping me graduate US Army Ranger School. As an Infantry Officer I was already in great shape and eating right but with Greg’s help I was able to improve every aspect of my fitness and health. My specific issue was pushups and while we worked on overall fitness as well, Greg was able to do some very specialized work outs, exercises, and training to get a constant weakness of mine up to the point where I could easily perform at my goals.”

– November 2014, Alex Bowling, CPT US Army, Infantry,  West Point  Graduate

“Greg is very knowledgeable as a fitness professional/trainer. His extensive experience in nutrition and athletic training has enabled several of my patients to heal stronger, faster and with the ability to get back on their feet and back to work quickly. I highly recommend Greg to anyone looking for a top-notch trainer who is easy to work with and innovative in his approach.”

– May 16, 2010, Jay Lerner, Chiropractor, Southern Crescent Clinic

“Greg is an excellent, knowledgeable personal trainer who helped me get lasting results. I recommend Greg for anyone who needs a “push” in the right direction. Greg’s motto is to “push and protect” and this he did! He pushed me to my potential (many times proving that I set my own limitations too low) but always watched my form to ensure I would not injure myself when we took it up a notch. No doubt you will work hard, sweat a lot and probably stink but Greg will make your fitness goals his focus and you will achieve them.”

– April 4, 2011, Peggy Saldana

“I quit being stubborn and took your fitness advice. Sure is working good for me! So, please everyone forget my stupid statements before. You rock Greg!”

– April 15, 2011, Tom Ulcak

A big shout out to Greg Burch! He put me on the right fitness path. If you are looking for a no-nonsense, educated trainer, he is it. Whatever your fitness goals are, he has a systematic, proven plan to help you reach your goals. The best part is you don’t have to be in the gym for 3 hrs. working individual body parts. My favorite thing is multi-purpose, multi-functional exercises/reps. Why work one part when you can effectively work more? ! I’m a busy professional, breast cancer survivor, “disc” challenged woman, and if I can do it y’all can do it as well. Check out Burch Fitness!

– April 24, 2011, Lynn Black

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